RULES of the


1.1) The Society shall be called :- Medway Fossil and Mineral Society (MFMS).

2.1) The objectives of the society shall be to promote interest in:- Minerals, Fossils, and all aspects of the Earth Sciences.

3.1) The society may be affiliated to any organisation with similar aims and interests.

4.1) Membership shall be open to anyone over the age of 11 years and comprise the following classes:
A) ADULT MEMBER Anyone aged 18 years or older.
B) JUNIOR MEMBER Anyone aged 11 to 17 years, but they must be accompanied by a parent or guardian who is a member in their own right.
C) DAY MEMBER Day membership to comply with fieldtrip rules.

5.1) Prospective members attending a society meeting shall pay the appropriate fee, such fee to have been decided at the preceding Annual General Meeting.
5.2) Prospective members shall not be entitled to use club equipment or borrow books.
5.3) Prospective members will be expected to make a decision on membership after three visits, not including field trips or other outings.

6.1) Membership shall be terminated by a 2/3 majority of the committee if continued membership is not in the interests of the society.
6.2) The membership of any member who fails to pay his subscription by the 31st December is automatically terminated. The committee shall have the power to waive this rule in special or extenuating circumstances.

7.1) The annual subscription rate for ADULT MEMBERS will be decided by a majority vote at the Annual General Meeting.
The rate for JUNIOR MEMBERS is zero.
The rate for DAY MEMBERS is £2 per day.
7.2) Subscriptions are due on the 1st November each year.
7.3) Members joining after 31st March shall pay one half of the appropriate subscription.

8.1) The officers of the society shall be:- Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer.
8.2) The officers shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting and all posts shall be Honorary.
8.3) No person shall be elected to any position in the society, either as officers, committee or examiners, unless that person has been a full member of
the society as defined in section 7.5 above, for a period of not less than one year.
8.4) The society may at its discretion make appointments of Honorary President and Honorary Vice Presidents. Such appointments to be granted to members or non members who in the opinion of the society at its Annual General Meeting merit special gratitude in recognition of extraordinary service to the society or for any other reason considered to be appropriate. Such appointments shall not include any executive duties or responsibilities and
shall neither carry, nor imply, any voting rights. Any Honorary Presidents or Vice-Presidents do not pay any membership fee.

9.1) The duties of the Secretary shall be :-
A) To keep a minute book recording the proceedings and formal business of all meetings of the society as directed by the committee.
B) To attend to all correspondence of the society as directed by the committee.
9.2) The minute book shall be available for inspection by members at the society meetings as far as possible within three weeks of the date of the meeting to which they refer.

10.1) The Treasurer shall be responsible for the financial administration of the society and shall prepare an annual financial statement made up to the 31st August for presentation at the Annual General Meeting.
10.2) Two non committee members shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting to examine the accounts for the following year.
10.3) The society's moneys shall be deposited in a bank account in the name of the society. The signature of the Treasurer and either the Chairman or the Secretary shall be necessary for a withdrawal to be made from the account in excess of £50 except for items detailed in 10.4.
10.4) The Treasurer may issue cheques against his/her signature only, for all regular invoices to cover rent, insurance, and committee approved periodicals to the full invoice amount and at his/her discretion, petty cash up to £50.00.
10.5) The committee shall submit as a proposal at either an Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting any decisions taken in committee concerning expenditures on any items in excess of 20% of all moneys currently held by the society, excluding any ongoing financial commitments.

11.1) The committee members shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting and all posts shall be honorary. Committee comprising the Officers and up to nine other members.
11.2) The committee shall have the power to co-opt members as necessary. Co-opted members will not be entitled to vote at committee meetings.
11.3) The committee shall meet when summoned by an officer of the society or at the request of three committee members. The Secretary shall give not
less than one week's notice of a meeting in writing to all committee members.
11.4) No business maybe conducted at a committee meeting unless a quorum is present. A quorum shall consist of two officers and five other committee

12.1) The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be on the last Wednesday in October of each year. The Secretary shall give members at least 28 days notice of the AGM
12.2) The quorum for the AGM shall be 20% of the membership. All members other than Junior members, Honorary President and Honorary Vice President shall be entitled to vote. Voting shall be by simple majority with the chairman having the casting vote in the event of a tie.
12.3) Motions for consideration at the AGM shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary at least 21 days before the meeting so that they may be circulated to every member at least 10 days before the meeting.
12.4) The agenda for the AGM shall include :-
A) The reports of the officers of the society.
B) The election of officers and the committee for the following year. A written ballot shall be conducted where there are more nominations received than posts to be filled.
C) The election of Examiners for the following year.
D) The discussion and voting on any motions that have been received by the Secretary within the prescribed time.
E) The setting of Annual Subscriptions for the following year.
F) Any other business.

13.1) An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) may be called by the committee or at the signed request of not less than 20% of the membership.
13.2) The EGM shall be held within 28 days of receipt of the request with at least 14 days notice in writing
being given to all members by the Secretary stating the purpose of the meeting.
13.3) The rules for quorum and voting shall be as in paragraph 12.2 above.
13.4) No other business may be conducted at the meeting.

14.1) The committee shall take out such insurance policies as it shall consider necessary to protect the interests of the society and its members.

15.1) A copy of the constitution and rules of the society shall be given to every member on joining and its receipt acknowledged in writing.
15.2) With the exception of paragraph 17.2 below the constitution may only be altered or amended by a specific motion at the AGM as in 12.4D. or by an EGM called for that purpose.
15.3) The rules of the society may be altered or amended by the committee and ratified at the next AGM

16.1) In the event of any dispute as to the correct interpretation of the constitution or rules of the society, a decision taken at an AGM or an EGM called for that purpose shall be binding.

17.1) If, at an AGM or an EGM it is decided to wind up the affairs of the society, the Committee shall realise as much of the assets of the society as may be necessary to discharge the society’s liabilities and any remaining assets shall be donated to charities as decided by existing members.
17.2) Under no circumstances whatsoever may any of the assets of the society at any time be given or refunded to any member except by way of reimbursement of expenses. This paragraph shall not be altered or amended.


1.1) Members must abide by the regulations laid down from time to time by the St Peters church hall committee.

2.1) Members must pay the appropriate fees on club nights as set by the committee.

3.1) The club equipment may only be used by members at meetings and/or society shows and in accordance with 5.2 of the constitution, provided that they have received specific instructions regarding its use and safety. No mernber may use any equipment belonging to the society unless he/she has received adequate training to the satisfaction of the committee.
3.2) Individual members of the society will be appointed to monitor the state and correct use of equipment
3.3) Members are expected to leave both the equipment and the room in a tidy condition alter use.

4.1) Members may borrow equipment at the discretion of the committee and on a weekly basis, after they have received instructions in its safe and correct use and always at the discretion of the committee.
4.2) The equipment must be signed for by the member who then becomes responsible for its return in a good condition the f ollowing week. A committee member will check the condition of the equipment on its return each week and generally to supervise the arrangements for loan and take any necessary
action required.

5.1) Books and magazines may be borrowed by members after the loan has been authorised by a Committee member. The details and agreed return date are to be entered in the loan book, signed and counter-signed. (signed out and back in)
5.2) Members are responsible for the books they borrow and, at the discretion of the committee, may be required to replace any book which is lost or damaged whilst in their possession.

6.1) Except where restrictions on entry to any site are imposed by the landowner, field trips are open to all members. Non-members attending field trips with the field trip leaders permission must become a day member and pay the appropriate fee as laid down in 7.1 of the Constitution. The field trip leader is responsible to pay any monies collected to the treasurer. This rule may be waived where the trip is combined with other societies.
6.2) When visiting private property, and on all field trips, members under 18 years old may only attend at the discretion of the Field Trip Organiser and must be accompanied by a responsible adult member who will accept responsibility for their actions and safety.
6.3) Members attending field trips must abide by any instructions laid down by the organiser of the field trip and are expected to behave in a manner which benefits the good name of the society.
6.4) Members attending field trips do so entirely at their own risk. The society cannot be held responsible for accidents however caused.
6.5) Any member attending a field trip must sign the attendance form and risk assessment form, therefore those attending the field trip must advise the field trip organiser if they leave early.